
Quick Facts

Average Attendance: 270
Youth Group Size: 32
Year Founded: 1959
Affiliation: Mennonite Church USA (Indiana-Michigan Conference)

Our Mission Statement

As the people of Waterford Mennonite Church, we
   Welcome everyone to faith and fellowship in Jesus Christ,
Minister to the needs of one another and our neighbors through the Holy Spirit, and
Call out each other’s gifts for the joyful work of God’s reconciling mission.

Our Welcome Statement

We celebrate that everyone is created in God’s image, and as followers of Jesus we welcome people of every age, ability, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status, socio-economic situation, gender identity, and citizenship status as full participants in the life of our congregation.

Come Join Us

Discover the ways in which worship and fellowship with the Waterford congregation can help you experience God and open doors for you to share God’s love with others. We are a worshiping and fellowshipping community of around 300 people.

Caring for Each Other

At Waterford, we believe that members should reach out to each other and offer Christian care, compassion and concern. Adult nurture classes, which meet Sunday mornings, are the place where primary pastoral care happens. Each class has a shepherd who facilitates sharing and prayer during the class time and works with the pastors giving ongoing care.

We Commit Ourselves to …

  • Studying the Scriptures and praying individually and with others.
  • Participating in times of gathered worship, nurture, fellowship, discernment and decision making.
  • Sharing the good news of Christ with family, friends and others with whom we come in contact.
  • Contributing our time, earnings and abilities to the ministry of the church.
  • Giving counsel in Christian love and considering carefully counsel given.
  • Accepting the process of reconciliation and the experience of forgiveness.
  • Promoting the way of peace in all of life.